Monday, December 1, 2008

Like at the lake

We went swimming this afternoon in our pool here at the condo. After the rains for the last two weeks the water was deliciously cold. The kind of cold that you find in a northern Ontario lake at the end of August, enough to make you yelp as you jump in but not enough to make you leave it. The kids and I loved it. I think it must be in the DNA, a Canadian recessive gene as it were. I'm sure our neighbours thought we were insane.

But honestly, if we squinted our eyes up tight, tried to ignore the palm trees and toucans overhead and focused on the dark grey sky farther back on the horizon, it felt as if summer was coming to a close. It was an awesome feeling. We came in after our little lake dip, had soup and put on warm pyjamas and cranked up the air conditioning just to keep the feeling.
Throw a snowball for us.

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