Sunday, November 30, 2008

Fish and Curious Kids

We went to the Fish Market for dinner tonight. This isn't some trendy spot with netting on the walls and servers wearing nor'easter rain hats. This is the actual fish market. Big, stinky, lots of dead fish, people know the kind of place. Except this is a Central American fish market so there's lots of huge, bright fish and the people are yelling in Spanish and Mandarin. Or a combination of the two. Spandarin? Manish?

The four of us found a great little table in among the locals, ordered grilled catch of the day, ceviche, octopus marinara, patacones (fried plaintain discs) and coconut rice. Washed it down with sippy cups of water and beer (you can guess who had which) and generally had a happy time of it. Great food and no major kid meltdowns= an excellent evening. And then Max spotted a local cat that was wandering under the tables whereby a solid relationship was formed.

We rounded the evening off with Max and Zella performing their "Under the Sea" dance from their upcoming school concert. The table next to us benefited from the floor show as well, turns out Zella and Max as dancing mermaids doesn't need translation.

1 comment:

Lindsey said...

Wow. Thank you for leaving a message on my blog. I don't know any young families that speak English here, so it was a blessing to hear from you. Do you live up north or down here near the city? I'd love to email you, as I have some questions... could you shoot me a line when you have a chance? (lindseyjoydesign (at) hotmail (.com). I would really appreciate it! Blessings! Lindsey