Thursday, February 12, 2009

Toys in a tropical country...

If you've had the good luck of spending any time in Zella's company then you know that her number one, go-to toy is dolls. We have dolls coming out the ying yang at our house. Not just any dolls, they must be baby dolls. The dolls in the pictures above are a set of triplets given to Zella by her godparents Marc and Trish, (thanks M and T...just what we need...are the octuplets in the mail???).

If you will notice though, the triplets are in not just any run of the mill bassinet. Take a closer look. That's a seed pod from a royal palm tree. Royal palms are the ones that grow to about 60 ft and dot desert island screensavers. The seed pods are everywhere these days, the palms are flowering and the pods come crashing to the ground when the huge greenish white flowers come out. Some of the pods are large enough for Max to lie down in!

The kids have been devising ways for these pods to be useful. So far they've come in handy as boats, dolly strollers, toboggans, weapons and very large hats. While they are large and cumbersome they're usually free of insects and generally don't make too much a mess in the house. So seed pods are all the rage. You're all getting them for Christmas next year.

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