Monday, August 11, 2008

The big update

Okay so we're at three weeks today and it's about time for an update. My apologies for being so lax with this blog but without internet/furnishings/phone at home it's been a hassle. To say the least.

So three weeks in here's where we're at....

  • no shipping container yet, but's it's coming this Friday just in time for Zella's Birthday!

  • We're moving! Again. For many reasons (animals in the attic, break-ins in the neighbourhood and a landlord that may sell the property) we decided to look around. We found a great condo that we're REALLY excited about. Pool, palm trees and a very nice security guard.:)
  • Zella and Max have started kindergarten and nursery school at the same school. Sending them off to a completely Spanish speaking school together was a bit heart-breaking, but they held hands, were fierce in their combined determination to fit in and have made a really good go of it. Photo of ridiculously cute uniformed children above.
  • Rob wants everyone to know that beaches are close by, work is going really well and beer is 39 cents.:)

Stay tuned for more updates to come. Including Max and Zella's Adventures with the Leaf Cutter Ants and How Mara Came to Love Coffee.



Anonymous said...

Those uniforms are SUPER adorable!! The new "pad-to-be" sounds great. I hope all your things arrive unscathed. Look forward to reading more updates. :-)

Carm said...

Okay Mare, Rob, Zella and Max, We had Darc, Glain and Nia up at the catage this past weekend and I found out you have a blog - who knew? Anyway, i will be a frequent visitor, to the blog, not Panama I'm afraid. God I saw the picture of my sister and wept - I know that feeling - from your standpoint, not your Mom's. While we didn't move to some foreign country, we did move to Regina soon after we got married (well, I suppose some might argue that is a foreign country!)I remember being pretty homesick - missed a birthday celebration, a holiday (Christmas for example) but somehow we lived through it and then kept on moving - Vancouver, Calgary. But you know, I think it was the best thing for us. No one but us to make things work. Had to make new friends that became lifelong ones (actually we have a couple of Vancouverites coming for dinner tomorrow night - looking forward to seeing them). So I'm sure you'll have those little periods of missing home as well, but just think, you get to live somewhere that most people only get to visit. Like us in Vancouver. And you'll have such adventures. Gotta go back to work, now. Take care and like your Mom, I'll keep you in my prayers, too. Love, Carm xx oo

Anonymous said...

Wow!!! you guys are really getting bigger. I bet you're already the favorite kids in school :) Como van con el espanol? I miss hearing you talking to me in Spanish and so many other things from you. Upload more pics Mara (btw you know I miss you too right??)

